Friday, May 30, 2014

♥ Jaime & Jaimie Project ♥


I just got a very fun job,
making illustration for a kid and baby clothing line,

The color must be pastels
with kiddy stuff like teddy bear
homey and warm look :)

So I go with this,

♥ Pastel Frames ♥

Two Birds in the middle frame is their logo, isn't it cute? :)

For a homey and warm look, I add "Home Sweet Home" quotes
and heart shaped stitch,
Moon and stars as a picture of sweet dream,
Teddy bear and a cup of hot chocolate - 2 things that kid loves.

Actually I make 2 alternatives for the coloring,
#1 solid color and #2 with gradient,
But I prefer to post the gradient one
( I like the pastel rainbow combination on the middle frame! *boom*)

Here's some close up of my favorites frames ;)

Who's gonna hate a cute Teddy Bear? *hugs*

I just LOVE to draw small house with red roof IDK why *lol*

Lil' duckie in a polaroid sheet ♥ 

For further information, please don't hesitate to catch me by

Email: / Line: ayazkw / WhatsApp: +62 821 19751292


♥ Mini Me Bestie ♥


This is a special Mini Me project for my..
super best friend!


You know, we're super, super best friend,
just like SpongeBob and Patrick Star
(Yes, we're totally looks like them, our stupid and silly time)
"I wumbo - you wumbo - he she we wumbo - wumboing - wumbology"

pardon my wumbology moment

Here she is,

♥ Ilona with Otes & Kuba ♥

Her favorites are horses ( Of course Unicorn include oh let me mention that she is a Unicorn Army ;D ),
Old school stuff like roses and swallows ( She is a tattoo lover just like me, also have a bunch of tattoos),
Leopard print and jeans jacket,
Cats! She is a crazy cat lady for sure,
we really love animals but cat is always on top!

Check the details,
I specially love this Unicorn :)

Unicorn Powah! *glitter*

Prince Kuba ♥ 
Old school roses

Old school swallows

♥ Get your Mini Me now! ♥


Saturday, May 10, 2014

♥ To The Moooon! ♥


A graphic designer,
a big fan of movie & comic,
figurine enthusiast,
a deer freak..


Check him out,

♥ Patrick ♥

Oh, before I tell the details,
I draw this Mini Me in a different style.
It's more.. tidy.. and umm.. solid.. (what kind of explanation is that!?) XD
Anyway, Let me know which one you like better.

Patrick has a same job like me - graphic designer,
has a same favorite character like me- TINTIN!

His favorite animal is deer and giraffe (have no idea why),
And actually he loves so many movie, comic, or cartoon characters,
but I go with Tintin, Paul Frank and Stormtrooper
(because I love 'em too *haha* but who doesn't know Star Wars & Tintin?)
He is holding a Little Black Book note with "Forgive me for I have sinned" quote (it's pretty happening in Jakarta - Indonesia, it's unique and has some character than any other note book),
I add a famous rocket from Adventures of Tintin Destination Moon
(I suggest you to read the comic or watch the movie!),
And the last thing,
Patrick's obsession is SHOES.
He loves his New Balance shoes so much,
and the one I draw here is his pride I think.. XD

Here's the details,

What's your story?
What's your favorites?
Let me know

♥ Get your Mini Me now! ♥

Friday, May 2, 2014

♥ Mini Me Lady Afternoon Tea ♥



She is a tea lover with a passion in fashion,
She is Audrey and she is my Mini Me client!

Here's the preview,

♥ Audrey & Shiro ♥

Audrey's favorite color is purple.
She really enjoying hot tea (all flavor!),
and for an unexplained reason, she's got a crush on bunny these days so I draw a cute bunny on her teacup.
Crop tee and houndstooth skirt is her latest fever on fashion.
She has some skill in decorating table set and it means she can make a pretty flower bouquet too!

There is 3 dogs in her house now, but she want me to draw just one of them and the choosen one is Shiro :3
He is a fat, fluffy and super spoiled buddy!
(I really enjoyed drawing animals, I can't get enough to draw some more!)
*what an animal perf*

Ok, here's some details of the illustration,

♥ Get your Mini Me now! ♥


♥ Mini Me Couple Edition ♥



My first Mini Me client is a couple! and they're just engaged this year! and going to marry next year! *woot*woot*
What a double happiness :D

Anyway, this is the result,

♥ Debora & Zefanya ♥

Let me tell you the details about this happy couple,
First, look at that diamond ring!
I really getting along with 'romantic' theme since they're just engaged
(and I know I keep mentioned 'engaged' words again and again)
So, don't you think the purple orange as the background color is just perfect for this love birds? ;)
I even added some glowing stars and hearts to sparks the romantic evening theme!

Their clothes was based from the last time I had a dinner with them,
Debi with blue dress, black heels and leopard purse (but no, she didn't wear that leopard ears headband that night. She just bought it about two months ago.)
Zefa with light blue shirt, black pants and his work shoes, just like a good ordinary worker :D
They love to watch movies at the cinema
that's why I draw some pop corn and film roll for the last touch.

Here's the details!

I'm glad they give me a nice feedback and said that they love it too!

Well, I can't wait to draw some more!

Order your Mini Me now ;)